Western Nutrient Management Conference


March 5-6, 2025 | Reno, Nevada

About WNMC

The Western Nutrient Management Conference provides an opportunity for research, extension, industry, agricultural professionals and educators to explore, learn, and expand their horizons on current and emerging nutrient related issues in the western region. The conference is an unbiased forum to communicate science-based practices that are environmentally sound, sustainable, and profitable.

2025 Program Details Available

The 2025 Western Nutrient Management Conference program is now available. You can view the oral program and the poster presentations. 
With the NEW livestream options for this year, below are some additional details about each of the partial day sessions!
March 5, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm: In the first half of this session, we will be exploring new approaches to nutrient management in the west, with a focus on P testing, interpretation of stratified soil analyses, predicting yield from soil test values instead of extension tables, and redefining the term “plant nutrient”. The second half of this session will cover various aspects of sulfur management in the western U.S., with emphasis on soil sulfur testing methods, sulfur cycling basics, and the impact of sulfur applications on the environment.
March 5, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm: The first half of the afternoon session will address nutrient management in minor crops, specifically on the topic areas of acidifying alkaline soils for blueberry production, fava beans nutrient management, and the connection between soil health and tropical crop yield. Soil acidity will be addressed in the second session, with a focus on sugar beet lime management, and impact of N fertilizer applications on soil acidity in no-till systems.

March 6, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm: Nitrogen management will be the focus of these sessions, with emphasis on N mineralization potential of soils and dairy manure, manure management in potato systems, interactions between N fertilizers and soil organic matter decomposition, water quality innovations, and N performance evaluations in dryland wheat.

The conference has been approved for 9 Nutrient Management CCA CEU credits! This is a great opportunity to kick the year off on the right foot! 

Hotel Room Rate

Conference rates are EXTENDED until February 14th, 2025 or until the block sells out.

Early Bird Registration

Early Bird pricing is available through
February 19th, 2025.
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