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1. Repurposing Zinc from Mining Tire Waste to a Fertilizer ResourceZinc (Zn) deficiency is common on high pH soils when growing field crops like Corn, Barley and Wheat. Not only are crop yields and quality limited by low Zn, but more importantly the dilution of Zn in food stuffs and, thereby, Zn deficiency in the human diet has become a major concern as recognized by the World Health Organization. At the same time, there is a Global problem in proper repurposing/disposal of used tires that contain between 1-3% ZnO. In fact, in Chile, the... K. Greer, J. Wiebe, E. Bremer |
2. Factors Influencing Efficacy of Elemental Sulphur FertilizersElemental sulfur is a byproduct of fossil fuel production and produced in large quantities in both the US and Canada. Fertilizers containing elemental S have a high S content and low manufacturing cost, but may not reliably meet crop requirements for S in the year of application due to the time required for elemental S to be oxidized. The main factors influencing the oxidation rate of elemental S are particle size, particle dispersion and environmental conditions. Previous... E. Bremer |
3. Nutrient Lessons from Long-term Cropping System StudiesThe long-term efficiency of applied nutrients in agricultural soils depends not only on the efficiency of use by the immediate crop, but also on the efficiency of use for residual forms. However, determining this efficiency is difficult due to the slow turnover of residual forms, large soil nutrient reserves, and multiple processes controlling the fate and crop utilization of nutrients. Long-term cropping system studies are useful in this regard because they allow small changes to accumulate and... E. Bremer |
4. Application of Ion Exchange Resin Membranes to Nitrate Testing in the WestResin membranes have been used since the 1960s to measure P supply from the soil. In the 1990’s the Plant Root Simulator (PRS®) probe was invented to further refine a method to measure N mineralization from soil organic matter. The functional measurement of soil N supply during incubation has been applied to both in situ measures and in lab research studies. Extending the PRS® measurements of N ‘intensity’ or flux to a meaningful number that a plant can utilize was accomplished... K. Greer, E. Bremer, T. Sievers |
5. Development of a Constrained Resource Model to Support Intercropping DecisionsCrop producers are interested in intercropping due to its’ potential to increase profitability, yield stability and sustainability. Our objective was to extend a simulation model to forecast crop yields (PRS® CropCaster®) to pulse-oilseed intercrops. This tool would provide crop producers with forecasts of yields of each crop component under different management and environmental conditions. Based on competition for fertilizer 15N... E. Bremer, I. Madsen, K. Greer |