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WNMC Proceedings - March 2023.pdf


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Crop Nutrient Management
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Buck, R.L
Cole, D.L
Ghimire, R
Heidenreich, D.T
Helseth, C
Hopkins, B
Hopkins, B.G
Jayawardena, D.M
Jeliazkova, E
Lambert, A.M
Moore, A
Norton, U
Salehin, S
Spring, J
Stapley, S
Stapley, S.H
Walsh, O.S
Wilson, T
Crop Nutrient Management
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. New Hydroponic System for Testing Mineral Nutrient Deficiencies: Quinoa

Correlating plant tissue nutrient concentrations with visual symptoms is valuable in combating mineral nutrient deficiencies and toxicities. Major crops tend to have adequate information regarding nutrient concentrations and visual symptoms of deficiencies, but this is often lacking for minor crops, including quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa L.) Because nutrient concentrations can be easily controlled, hydroponics effectively demonstrate isolated specific nutrient related symptoms. Ho... D.L. Cole, D.T. Heidenreich, S.H. Stapley, A.M. Lambert, R.L. Buck, B.G. Hopkins

2. Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics Under Dryland Sorghum in New Mexico

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] serves as a low-cost alternative to corn (Zea mays L.) in semi-arid regions of the world because of its high N and water use efficiencies. However, there has been a concern regarding N loss to the atmosphere as nitrous oxide (N2O) from semi-arid drylands. This study investigated various soil C and N components, including CO2 and N2O emissions, and crop yield with a dairy compost (13.5 Mg ha-1) ... R. Ghimire, S. Salehin

3. Evaluating Nutrient Uptake and Partitioning for Hybrid Carrot Seed Production in Central Oregon

Hybrid carrot seed production is prominent in Central Oregon, however plant nutrient uptake dynamics in this crop are not well understood. The aim of this research was to evaluate nutrient uptake and partitioning during the production cycle of a modern Nantes-type hybrid carrot. Trials were conducted in two commercial carrot seed production fields planted to ‘Nantes 969’. Below- and above-ground plant biomass was destructively sampled and separated into roots, tops, and umbels thr... E. Jeliazkova, A. Moore, J. Spring, T. Wilson

4. Stacking and Intersecting Nutrient 4Rs and Using In-Season Canopy Health and Petiole Nitrate Analysis on Russet Burbank Potatoes

The 4Rs of nutrient management is a global outreach with an aim to improve the sustainability of major cropping systems and the environment. The objective for this project is to evaluate individual and stacked 4R management practices and how they intersect in Russet Burbank potato at a field near Grace, Idaho in 2020. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer treatments included all combinations of two sources [urea vs polymer coated urea (PCU)], two rates (207 vs. 247 kg ha-1), and two timing/place... S. Stapley, B. Hopkins

5. Sensor-Based Nitrogen for Spring Wheat

Management of nitrogen (N) fertilizer during wheat production needs to vary depending on the variety as they have different N requirements. Though many growers prefer planting older varieties that they are already familiar with, increasing the knowledge on N requirements of newly released varieties will help to improve the adoption of these varieties by growers. Therefore, the main goals of this study were to assess grain yield, grain N uptake and N use efficiency (NUE) of new and traditional... D.M. Jaywardena, O.S. Walsh

6. Dryland Organic Winter Wheat Improvement by the Inclusion of Composted Cattle Manure and Cover Crops

Organic agriculture in semi-arid environments can face several challenges in order to produce a successful crop.  These include nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies, moisture limitations, and high weed competition.  Organic winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)-fallow systems can be amended with composted cattle manure and with green manure from cover crops grown in the fallow phase to help increase wheat yields and quality.  Cattle manure can improve soil health with t... C. Helseth, U. Norton