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1. Climate Change and Nutrient ManagementClimate change models for the intermountain region of eastern Oregon and Washington project warmer and wetter winters with warmer and drier summers. Crop response to the projected climate change conditions were estimated using CropSyst. The anticipated climate changes and increasing CO2 levels are projected to result in greater yields of winter wheat with relatively small changes in yields of spring wheat, potatoes and apples. Greater yields will require increased nutrient supply and increased... S. Petrie |
2. Agronomic and Economic Comparison of Conventional and Direct-seeding in the Intermediate Rainfall ZoneThe predominant dryland cropping system in the low (<12 inch) and intermediate (12- 18 inch) rainfall areas of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) summer-fallow using conventional tillage. Tillage increases the rate of soil organic matter oxidation which has an adverse effect on soil physical, biological and chemical properties. A field experiment comparing conventional tillage-based summer- fallow with chemical summer-fallow and direct-seeding was... S. Petrie, S. Albrecht, D. Long |