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1. Alfalfa Contributes More Nitrogen to Following Crop Than Previously ThoughtAlfalfa in high-yielding environments fixes significant amounts of atmospheric N2, a portion of which benefits succeeding non-legume crops and reduces fertilizer N requirement by an amount sometimes called the “legume N credit”. Field research-based estimates of the legume N credit in California and other irrigated, semi-arid or arid environments are sparse in the literature. We conducted replicated plot experiments at three field station sites in California using wheat as an indi... S. Pettygrove, E. Lin, D. Putnam, M. Lundy, S. Orloff, S. Wright |
2. Ammonia Volatilization from Urea Vs. Alternative Nitrogen FertilizersSubstantial ammonia (NH3) volatilization can occur from surface application of urea on sandy soils with low pH buffering capacity such as those in the semi-arid Columbia Basin. Previous studies have reported loss of up to 60% of urea-N as ammonia on these soils. The objective of this study was to quantify ammonia loss per acre for urea and for alternative N fertilizer products, including: sulfur-coated urea (SCU), urea coated with NBPT urease inhibitor (urea + Agrotain), ammonium su... S. Del moro, D. Sullivan, D. Horneck |
3. Applying a Phosphorus Risk Index in a Mixed-use Mountain WatershedSurface waters in the Wallsburg, UT watershed have been identified as a relatively high contributor of phosphorus (P) to nearby Deer Creek Reservoir. Identifying the major contributors of P is critical for developing effective management practices. Phosphorus Risk Indices have been widely developed as a tool to identify areas with high risk of P movement, but these tools have mostly been applied to watersheds dominated by agricultural land use. While agriculture is often a source of nutrient ... A.W. Pearce, J. Johns, D. Robinson, N. Hansen |
4. Chloride Effects on Nitrogen Uptake in Potato ProductionPotassium (K) can be supplied by potassium chloride (KCl) or sulfate (K2SO4) salts. Past research has shown that potatoes can take up and accumulate large amounts of chloride (Cl). Plant uptake of Cl can sometimes reduce petiole nitrate-N (NO3-N) concentration and it may have other effects on potato tuber yield and quality. In contrast, sulfate-S (SO4-S) typically does not compete strongly with NO3-N for plant uptake. This research was designed to evaluate the effect of Cl application on peti... D. Sullivan, S. Light, D. Horneck |
5. Cover Cropping in the Semi-arid West: Effects of Termination Timing, Species, and Mixtures on Nitrogen Uptake, Yield, Soil Quality, and Economic ReturnSummer fallow still dominates some areas of the northern Great Plains (NGP), providing an opportunity to grow a partial season cover crop for increased soil health or nutrient availability. Over 12 years of research on single species cover crops in semi-arid Montana have revealed the benefits of early termination and multiple cover crop cycles on N availability, subsequent crop yield, soil health, and economic return. Due to high N fixation, pea cover crops have fairly consistently increased ... C. Jones, P. Miller, S. Tallman, M. Housman, C. Zabinski, M. Burgess, J. O'dea, A. Bekkerman |
6. Cropmanage: an Online Decision Support Tool for Irrigation and Nutrient ManagementVegetable and berry growers on the central coast of California are under growing regulatory pressure to reduce nitrate loading to ground and surface water supplies. Two tools available to farmers to improve nitrogen use efficiency of these crops are the soil nitrate quick test (SNQT) for monitoring soil residual N concentrations and evapotranspiration (ET)-based irrigation scheduling for estimating crop water requirements. We developed a web-based software application, called CropManage (http... M. Cahn, T. Hartz, R. Smith, B. Noel, L. Johnson, F. Melton |
7. Drought and Nitrogen Stress Effects on Maize Canopy TemperatureWater scarcity is a major threat to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. Management practices, such as limited irrigation, that seek to maximize the productivity of a limited water supply are critical. Remote sensing of crop canopy temperature is a useful tool for assessing crop water status and for more precise irrigation management. However, there is potential that nutrient deficiencies could compound the interpretation of water status from leaf temperature by altering leaf color an... A. Carroll, C. Lindsey, J. Baker, B. Hopkins, N. Hansen |
8. Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizers and Seaweed Extract on Daucus Carota Var. Sativus Growth CharacteristicsCommon N fertilizers used in organic production are often energy intensive to produce and expensive to transport. Cyanobacteria fertilizer produced on-farm could decrease impacts on the environment as well as production costs for organic farmers. In addition, cyanobacteria fertilizer could perform similarly to products marketed to increase production via plant growth hormones such as seaweed extract. The effects of common organic fertilizers as well as organic liquid cyanobacteria fertilizer ... J. G. davis, A. Wickham |
9. Effects of Commercial Organic and Cyanobacterial Fertilizers on Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency in Drip Irrigated Organic Sweet CornWater and fertilizers are applied to maintain crop growth, yield, and quality. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer plays a crucial role in crop growth and yield development of sweet corn (Zea mays). Organic growers often use commercial organic animal- based fertilizers which vary in nutrient composition, forms of available N (NH4+- N and NO3--N), and have high transportation costs. Alternatively, cyanobacteria can be grown on-site as a source of N. Cyanobacteria haves unique dual properties because ... J. G. davis, A. Sukor, C. Ramsey |
10. Effects of Enhanced Mixing and Minimal Co2 Supplementation on Biomass and Nitrogen Concentration in a Nitrogen-fixing Anabaena Sp. Cyanobacteria Biofertilizer Production CultureNitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are attractive as a nitrogen fertilizer because they are ubiquitous in nature and have minimal nutrient requirements. Our lab is scaling up production of a local strain of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. in on-farm open raceways to determine its exonomic ppotential as a nitrogen fertilizer for horticultural crops. Our goal is to increase productivity in an organically certifiable growth medium above the current two week batch production l... J. G. davis, J. Wenz, H. Storteboom |
11. Effects of Post-fire Soil Hydrophobicity on Inorganic Soil Nitrogen and Sulfur CyclingFire plays an important role in many native ecosystems, and its suppression has increased woody encroachment across the globe. Restoring native herbaceous communities following fire in encroached systems is often challenging. Post-fire soil hydrophobicity is one factor that may further limit site restoration by limiting soil moisture, which may in turn affect soil nutrient dynamics. We conducted a field study in a burned pinion-juniper woodland to understand the effects of post- fire soil hyd... B. Hopkins, K. Fernelius, M. Madsen, K. Russell, B. Roundy |
12. Environmentally Smart Nitrogen Performance in Northern Great Plains’ Spring Wheat Production SystemsField trials were conducted at three locations in Montana to evaluate the efficacy of Environmentally Smart Nitrogen (ESN) (44-0-0) as a nitrogen (N) source for spring wheat. The ESN, urea (46-0-0), and a 50%-50% urea-ESN blend was applied at seeding at three rate levels - low, medium, and high - with actual rated dependent on the yield goal at each location, followed by urea application of 0 or 40 lb N/a at Feekes 5. Grain yield (GY) varied from 265 to 815 lb/a and grain protein (GP) content... O. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens |
13. Evaluation of Micro-carbon Technology-based P Fertilizer, Super Phos®, in Spring WheatSuper Phos® (SP; 0-50-0) by Bio Huma Netics Inc. (Gilbert, AZ) is a Micro Carbon TechnologyTM – based phosphorus (P) fertilizer specifically formulated to resist “tie-up” with calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) to remain water soluble and available to plant roots. The objective was to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of topdress and foliar application of SP, with traditional P fertilizers – ammonium polyphosphate (APP; 10-34-0), diammonium phosphate (DAP;... O. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens |
14. Evaluation of Nitrogen Gas Loss from Polymer Coated and Polymer Sulfur Coated UreaPrevious research showed reduced nitrogen (N) gas emissions from polymer coated (PCU) and polymer sulfur coated urea (PSCU) when surface applied to soil. To further verify and quantify (N) loss, experiments were conducted to measure N gas emissions. Fertilizer prills were surface applied in a semi enclosed system to allow atmospheric gases in but to prevent loss of N gases from the headspace. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emissions were continuously measured every 20 minutes using pho... B. Hopkins, J. Svedin, C. Ransom, J. Buss, T. Blair |
15. Identifying Saline and Sodic SoilsSoil salinity can become a sever limitation to crop yields and soil quality. Routine evaluation of salinity often involves a 1:1 extract of water to soil. However, salinity tolerance has been defined from saturated paste extracts, not 1:1. Saturated extracts take more time to determine in the lab but is the best method to ascertain crop susceptibility to yield loss. Mathematical conversions from 1:1 to saturated paste are possible to do but may not translate across regions. In a similar way, ... R. Flynn |
16. Liquid N Fertilizer Evaluation in Spring WheatSeveral liquid N products are currently marketed for fertilization in various crops, including spring wheat. Urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) - the most commonly used liquid N fertilizer - is associated with crop damage due to corrosiveness. This study aimed to answer the following questions: (1) Are liquid urea (LU) and High NRG-N (HNRGN) superior to UAN in improving spring wheat grain yield and protein content? And (2) what is the optimum dilution ratio of foliar fertilizers and the threshold at... O. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens |
17. Making N Budgets Work: a CCA View from the FieldNitrogen budgets are the object of more research and discussion these days. Much more is known about crop N requirements than was available just a few years ago. The problem in the field is that the amount of nitrogen needed to produce the crop may need to be changed significantly depending on field, crop, and weather conditions. The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) in the fields needs to take the basic nitrogen information and adapt it into a nutrient program designed for each specific field.... K. Backman |
18. Manganese Nutrition and Photosynthesis of ‘Pawnee’ PecanSouthwestern pecan (Carya illinoinensis) orchard soils are alkaline and calcareous which negatively affects manganese (Mn) availability for root uptake. Mn is essential for photosynthesis because of its roles in the photosystem II complex and chlorophyll biosynthesis. Levels of leaf Mn for optimum photosynthesis (Pn) in pecan is not known. Our objective was to characterize the relationship of widely different leaf tissue Mn concentrations on Pn. The experiment was conducted from 2011 through ... R. Heerema, J. Sherman |
19. Minimizing Nitrogen Inputs While Optimizing Verdure and Growth of Kentucky Bluegrass with Polymer Coated UreaNitrogen (N) fertilizer increases turfgrass verdure but also increases maintenance costs due primary to mowing. A two-year fertilization study was initiated April 2014 at two established Kentucky bluegrass sites with sand and loamy sand constructed field soils in Provo, UT. A grower’s standard practice (GSP) of urea split applied monthly was compared to blend of uncoated and polymer coated urea (PCU). The PCU was applied in 1, 2, or 3 split applications. The dual application applied at ... J. Buss, J. Gish, B. Hopkins |
20. Moving Toward Sustainable Cropping and Grazing SystemsDuring the 1980’s Burleigh County, North Dakota farmers and ranchers historically managed their operations in a traditional manner of tillage dependent cropping systems with simplified rotations, no cover crops, high input costs, and season long grazing. In the early 1990s, the Burleigh County Soil Conservation District Supervisors formed a team and began implementing no-till cropping systems with some crop diversification and simple cover crop mixtures. Native Rangeland was established... J. Fuhrer |
21. Nitrogen Balances in Dairy Production Systems in Southern IdahoNitrogen (N) is essential for agricultural production, but excess quantities can be detrimental to both water and air quality. The increase in dairy cattle populations in the Magic Valley of southern Idaho has lead to concerns over the impact of N losses to the environment and the impact on both water and air in the region. This work examines the N flows and balances at the production facility, whole farm and regional scale. At the production facility, approximately 60% of N imported was lost... A. Leytem |
22. Nitrogen Budgeting for Organic ProductionNitrogen management for high value vegetable crops under organic management is challenging. Organic systems rely on N mineralization processes in soil to deliver nitrate-N in adequate amounts with appropriate timing. The traditional nutrient management planning process (checkbook method: matching nutrient supply and demand over a production cycle) contains too many assumptions for accurate forecasting of plant-available N supply for organic systems. Organic fertilizers fall into thr... D. Sullivan |
23. Nitrogen Cycling and Fertilization in Legume Inclusive Cropping SystemsAmong other benefits, legumes contribute nitrogen (N) to subsequent crops. However, predicting the impact on yield and the timing of the N release is difficult. Regardless, adjustments in the N recommendation need to be made to avoid yield and crop quality problems, as well as negative environmental and social issues. Ideally, a reduction of pre-plant/early season N fertilizer is made based on field research. Two possible approaches are used, namely the Fertilizer Replacement Value (FRV) or t... B. Hopkins, J. Stark |
24. Nitrogen Management and Budgets for Irrigated Cotton in the Western USAWe present research on new and improved and updated N fertilizer management recommendations for 4-bale/acre cotton based on a 36-inch NO3-N soil test for irrigated cotton from a 2-year study on surface/furrow irrigation study and a 1-year study under sprinkler irrigation. We also compared UAN with UAN plus the N loss inhibitor Agrotain Plus. Additionally, we compared reflectance- based N fertilizer management with soil test-based management. Nitrogen balances indicated that residual soil NO3&... K. Bronson, J. Mon, E. Bautista, D. Hunsaker |
25. Nitrogen Nutrition Impact on Incidence of Rhizoctonia Infection of Agrostis StoloniferaCreeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) is tolerant of short mowing and high traffic, but these conditions increase pathogen susceptibility. A prevalent disease on bentgrass golf course greens and tee boxes is Brown Patch (Rhizoctoniasolani). One potential component of integrated pathogen management is correct nitrogen (N) fertilization. Bentgrass was grown in a chamber hydroponically at deficient, optimum, and excessive levels of N (2.5, 10, and 80 mM; equivalent to 6.9, 27.5, and ... B. Hopkins, B. Black, B. Neville, C. Ewell, B. Geary |
26. Opportunities and Challenges: Using Soil Health Indicators to Guide On-farm ManagementThe USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) was founded in 1935 as the nation grappled with drastic depletion of soil resources in the Dust Bowl era. Initially called the Soil Conservation Service, the NRCS is a non-regulatory federal agency that offers technical and financial assistance to support conservation on private working lands. In August 2012, the agency rededicated itself to its roots in soil conservation by launching a Soil Health Initiative. ... K. Lowell |
27. Pecan Response to Foliar Nickel ApplicationsNew Mexico’s pecan industry is one of the state’s most important agricultural assets. In 2010, pecan growers in Dona Ana County produced 19,504 kg of pecans, on over 10,000 ha and was worth over $123 million dollars, making Dona Ana county the number one pecan producing county in the nation. Nickel (Ni) is a component of the enzyme urease which is critical for the mobilization of nitrogen within the pecan tree. Deficiency symptoms are often expressed in pecan as a “mouse-ear... R. Flynn, R. Heerema, S. Moran duran |
28. Phosphorus and Organic Acid Bonding Enhances Uptake Efficiency and Yield Response in Crop PlantsPhosphorus (P) fertilizer is essential for crop production, but reductions are warranted to conserve resources and minimize environmental impacts. Several lab, glasshouse, growth chamber, and field studies have been performed over the past seven years with a new P fertilizer (Carbond P; CBP; Land View Fertilizer, Rupert, ID, USA) in calcareous, low OM soil. This paper will be a review of a portion of that data. Studies comparing CBP to ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and monoammonium phosphate (... B. Hopkins, T. Blair, J. Selman, C. Ransom, T. Hopkins |
29. Phosphorus and Organic Acid Bonding Impacts at Varying Soil pHPhosphorus (P) fertilizer is essential for crop production, but reductions are warranted to conserve resources and minimize environmental impacts. Several lab, glasshouse, growth chamber, and field studies have been performed over the past six years with a new P fertilizer (Carbond P; CBP; Land View Fertilizer, Rupert, ID, USA) mostly in calcareous, low OM soil. Studies comparing CBP to ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) applied to soil show season-long increases in... T. Blair, C. Ransom, P. Hosford, J. Svedin, L. Sutton, A. Winchester, K. Manning, T. Hopkins, B. Hopkins |
30. Response of Mesa Russet Potato to Potassium Fertilizer Source and Time of ApplicationResearch studies have shown that the source of potassium (K) fertilizer can influence potato tuber yield and quality. Most of the K fertilizer studies conducted have focused on muriate of potash (MOP) and sulfate of potash (SOP). Potassium Acetate (Bio-K) has been introduced as a new source of K fertilizer. Field studies were conducted at the San Luis Valley Research Center, Colorado State University, to evaluate the yield and quality response of potato cultivar Mesa Russet to source and time... S.Y. Essah |
31. Salt and Sediment Balances in an Irrigated Watershed in Southern IdahoThe quality of irrigation return flow in a 205,000 acre southern Idaho watershed has changed since 1970. Converting from furrow irrigation to sprinkler irrigation and installation of wetlands and sediment ponds have greatly reduced sediment loss. There is now more sediment in the irrigation water diverted into the watershed than returns to the Snake River (>100 lb a-1) compared to a net loss of 410 lb a-1 of sediment in 1971. There is also more soluble salt flowing into the watershed ... D. Bjorneberg, A. Koehn, J. Ippolito |
32. Sensor-based Technologies for Nitrogen Management in Spring WheatCrop sensor-based systems with developed algorithms for making mid-season fertilizer nitrogen (N) recommendations are commercially available to producers in some parts of the world. Although there is growing interest in these technologies by grain producers in Montana, use is limited by the lack of local research under Montana’s semiarid conditions. A field study was carried out at two locations in 2011, three locations in 2012, and two locations in 2013 in North West Montana. The objec... O. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens |
33. Siderophores to Increase Iron AvailabilitySiderophores are biologically produced low molecular weight amino acids that act to chelate metals. These can be generated by soil microorganisms and some plants, most notably grasses, also produce siderophores. These compounds are associated with improved availability of iron in the soil. This manuscript presents a survey of microbial siderophores present in soils under chlorotic and non- chlorotic ‘Concord’ grapevines. ... J. Davenport, A. Pollard, T. Sullivan |
34. Soil Application of Zinc to Pecans in Calcareous SoilsZinc deficiency is common in pecans outside their native range, especially in alkaline soils. Zinc-deficient pecan leaves have interveinal chlorosis or necrosis, decreased leaf thickness, and reduced photosynthetic capacity. Foliar Zn application is routine in Southwestern US pecan orchards. Soil Zn application has not been part of pecan management in high pH, calcareous soils because of the soils’ ability to adsorb soluble Zn. We are evaluating efficacy of fertigated chelated ZnEDTA in... J. Walworth, R. Heerema |
35. Soil Respiration Tests As Predictors of Nitrogen Mineralization PotentialEstimation of seasonal N availability via a soil test has proved difficult. This information gap has lead to fertilizer recommendations based upon soil inorganic N levels found before planting and or preside dress. Complicating matters, as famers adopt new irrigation technologies, the results from older fertilizer rate trails may also be less applicable. In general, most when not all recommendations do not account for the contribution of soil N mineralization during the growing season, which ... W. Horwath |
36. Stratified Soil pH Identification ProjectColumbia County Washington is in the foothills of the Blue Mountain Range and the edge of the Palouse wheat country. The soils of the farming region are mostly a rich silt loam having a rainfall ranging from 12 inches to 25 inches north to south respectively with elevations from 1000 to 3200 feet. About 90% of the cropping systems have adopted conservation tillage, direct seeding or no-till, which has been good for the management of soil erosion. In April 2006, intense soil sampling (1 cm inc... P. Carter, T. Bruegman |
37. Summarization of 471 Field Comparisons of Avail®Phosphorus (P) is a commonly deficient essential nutrient required for crop production. Economic, environmental, and conservation issues have motivated significant efforts to enhance fertilizer efficiency. AVAIL® is a specialty fertilizer product with claims of enhancing P use efficiency to potentially increase crop yield and quality. There have been at least 471 field comparisons to evaluate the effectiveness of AVAIL with a wide variety of crops. The objective of this summarization... B. Hopkins, K. Fernelius, M. Pryor |
38. The Effect of Cyanobacteria Biofertilizer on Western Colorado Organic Peach Quality and Yield CharacteristicsNitrogen (N) is the nutrient needed by crops in the highest amounts and the production of synthetic N fertilizers contributes the highest proportion of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, when compared to other sectors of agriculture. Cyanobacteria are naturally occurring in most ecosystems and fix nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into forms which are useable by plants. Cyanobacteria was applied along with irrigation water to organically farmed peach trees (Prunus persica cv. Suncrest) as ... D. Sterle, G. Litus, F. Stonaker, S. Ela, J. Davis |
39. Turf Response to Reduced Rates of Polymer-coated UreaPolymer-coated urea (PCU) is a controlled-release fertilizer which can enhance nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE), reduce N pollution, reduce the need for repeated fertilizer applications, and reduce turfgrass shoot growth and associated costs. A PCU fertilizer rated for 120 d was applied at 50, 75, and 100% of the recommended full rate and compared to an unfertilized control and urea, applied either all at once or split monthly at the full recommended rate. Spring applied PCU showed no initia... B. Hopkins, C. Ransom, M. Ruth, T. Blair, L. Sutton, D. Bradshaw, K. Campbell |
40. Understanding Crop Response to MicronutrientsThere are many factors that affect crop response to micronutrients, and response to micronutrients is often less predictable than response to N, P, and K. Responses to micronutrients may be dramatic if the nutrient is deficient, but more often, responses are incremental yield increases or even only maturity or quality improvements. Micronutrient chemistry in the soil is complex and there are numerous interactions with other nutrients and environmental conditions. While predictability of micro... A. Blaylock |
41. Utilizing Low Salt Liquid NPK Fertilizers to Establish Triticale As a Cover CropThe use of cover crops in sustainable agricultural systems is receiving renewed attention. New initiatives in soil health promote cover crops as amanagement tool to improve soil quality and health. Successful establishment of cover crops depends on an adequate soil fertility program. Low salt NPK liquid fertilizers can improve cover crop establishment without concern of the impact of high salt index of some conventional fertilizers. This paper presents some of the success that have been obser... G. Mooso, T. Tindall |